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General Statement | ii | |
Acknowledgments | iii | |
Table of Contents | iv | |
Agriliance Glyphosate Adjuvant Study. | 03-10C-E90 | 1 |
Precision Labs Glyphosate Adjuvant Study. | 03-10C-ME60 | 6 |
Flexstar plus Select Adjuvant Study. | 03-19B | 10 |
Glyphosate plus Select Adjuvant Study. | 03-24B-E30 | 15 |
Glyphosate plus Crop Booster Tankmixes. | 03-2A-ME70 | 18 |
Enhance Foliar Fertilizer in Soybean. | 03-22-MN20 | 23 |
Agzyme on Corn. | 03-20B-N40 | 27 |
Agzyme on Soybean. | 03-22-N20 | 30 |
Comparison of "Full Load" Glyphosate Formulations in Roundup Ready Corn - Waterhemp. | 03-52-M70 | 33 |
Comparison of "Full Load" Glyphosate Formulations in Roundup Ready Soybean. | 03-21S-MME60 | 38 |
Evaluation of Roundup Ready Soybean Tolerance to Formulations of Glyphosate. | 03-20A-W110 | 43 |
Evaluation of Roundup Ready Corn Tolerance to Formulations of Glyphosate. | 03-20B-S180 | 47 |
AMS Replacements Protocol. | 03-2B-W60 | 51 |
AMS Rate Titration with Glyphosate. | 03-21S-MW70 | 56 |
Influence of Glyphosate Formulation on Herbicide Drift. | 03-WT-Glyph-form | 61 |
Influence of Glyphosate Rate and GPA on Herbicide Drift. | 03-WT-Glyph-rate | 64 |
Time of Day Effects with Glyphosate. | 03-26C | 68 |
Glyphosate Rate and Application Volume Effects on Drift Reduction Nozzles and Agents. | 03-50W-M120 | 73 |
Commercial vs. Small Plot Herbicide Applications. | 03-Baechle | 78 |
GPA and MPH Factorial. | 03-51E-M180 | 82 |
Comparison of Drift Control Nozzles. | 03-21S-W30 | 89 |
Drift Control Agents with Glyphosate. | 03-21S-MMW80 | 94 |
Fall Applied Herbicides in Corn. | 03-11A-E60 | 99 |
Winter Annual Weed Control in Roundup Ready Corn. | 03-11A-W55 | 105 |
Fall Applied Herbicides in Soybean - Study 1. | 03-11C-W70 | 114 |
Fall Applied Herbicides in Soybean - Study 2. | 03-11C-E100 | 121 |
Winter Annual Weed Control in Roundup Ready Soybean. | 03-5D-S160 | 128 |
Aim and Spartan in Fall Burndown. | 03-24B-E50 | 137 |
Timing of Fall Herbicide Applications. | 03-2B-M130 | 143 |
Star-of-Bethlehem Control in a Corn/Soybean Rotation. | 03-Dahmer-N100 | 149 |
Balance Pro Burndown and Equip Sequentials. | 03-6C-W90 | 156 |
Evaluation of Expert in Roundup Ready Corn. | 03-6C-M60 | 163 |
EPP and PRE Corn Herbicide Comparison. | 03-21N-E200 | 169 |
Preemergence Balance Pro Comparisons. | 03-10B-MW110 | 173 |
Preemergence Lumax and Camix Comparisons. | 03-10B-ME80 | 177 |
Buctril + atrazine combinations with Callisto. | 03-10B-W100 | 180 |
Option and Equip for Johnsongrass Control. | 03-ARC24C-N90 | 185 |
Option and Equip Tankmixtures. | 03-50E-MS90 | 190 |
Postemergence Applications of Define plus Liberty and Option. | 03-50E-S40 | 195 |
Cinch and Cinch ATZ Postemergence Timings. | 03-50E-MN130 | 200 |
Aim Tank-Mix with Glyphosate in Roundup Ready Corn. | 03-52-ME20 | 206 |
Common Cocklebur and Giant Foxtail Control in Roundup Ready Corn. | 03-21M-W100 | 211 |
Steadfast plus Yukon for Yellow Nutsedge Control. | 03-2C-M30 | 216 |
Single and Sequential Herbicide Applications in Corn. | 03-21N-W200 | 220 |
Sequential Herbicide Program Comparisons in Corn - I. | 03-6A-W110 | 227 |
Sequential Herbicide Program Comparisons in Corn - II. | 03-6A-M120 | 234 |
Atrazine-free Corn Programs. | 03-6A-E70 | 243 |
Control of Volunteer Horseradish in Corn. | 03-17-E80 | 249 |
Control of PPO-resistant waterhemp in a soybean/corn rotation. | 03-PPO-SBCN | 252 |
Effect of Nitrogen on Common Waterhemp Control in Corn. | 03-51W-S80 | 256 |
DuPont Roundup Ready Corn Offerings. | 03-52-E110 | 262 |
Marestail Burndown in No-Till Soybean. | 03-5D-N140 | 268 |
Star-of-Bethlehem Control in No-Till Soybean. | 03-Dahmer-S70 | 273 |
Glyphosate and 2,4-D Burndown. | 03-11B-E90 | 277 |
Long-Term Tillage by Herbicide Study in a Transgenic Corn and Soybean Rotation. | 03-9B-SOYBEANS | 282 |
Weed Suppression with a Wheat Cover Crop. | 03-2B-ME80 | 295 |
Weed Management in Conventional Soybean. | 03-51E-S50 | 300 |
Weed Management in Roundup Ready Soybeans. | 03-2A-MW50 | 306 |
Gangster - Roundup Ready Programs. | 03-21S-ME20 | 311 |
Valor in Roundup Ready Soybean. | 03-2A-W40 | 317 |
Valor plus Boundary Combinations for PPO-resistant Waterhemp. | 03-Pierron-S30 | 321 |
Waterhemp Control Programs in Soybean. | 03-50W-S80 | 324 |
Evaluation of Herbicide Efficacy on a Waterhemp Population. | 03-Pierron-N120 | 328 |
Syngenta Programs for PPO-Resistant Waterhemp. | 03-Pierron-M80 | 332 |
Evaluation of Arrow for Grass Control. | 03-24B-W100 | 336 |
Select vs V10117 for Control of Volunteer Roundup Ready Corn. | 03-52-W40 | 341 |
Soybean Yield Effects with Cobra. | 03-2A-MMW40 | 345 |
Evaluation of Lactofen for Suppression of SDS. | 03-WhiteCo-SDS | 349 |
Evaluation of Aim as a Preharvest Aid. | 03-21S-M20 | 352 |
Late-Season Fungicide Applications in Soybean. | 03-20A-MW60 | 356 |
Effect of Soil Residual on Weed Spectrum at Postemergence Timing - Study 1. | 03-21S-E50 | 359 |
Effect of Soil Residual on Weed Spectrum at Postemergence Timing - Study 2. | 03-50W-N80 | 366 |
Effect of Delayed Glyphosate Applications on Weed Control and Soybean Yield in Late Planted Soybean. | 03-9B-Alleys | 371 |
WHEAT | ||
Wheat Management Strategies - Belleville. | 03-1-M110 | 376 |
Wheat Management Strategies - Carbondale. | 03-Wheat-Strategy | 380 |
Wheat Variety Trial in a Wet Location. | 03-Wheat-Var-12B | 384 |
Wheat Variety by Fungicides Trial. | 03-Wheat-Var-Fung | 388 |
Control of Little Barley in No-Till Wheat. | 03-2B-E130 | 399 |
Control of Wild Garlic and other Weeds in No-Till Wheat. | 03-1-W130 | 408 |
Evaluation of Wheat Yield Following Corn and Soybean in No-Till and Reduced-Till. | 03-23N | 420 |
Cucumber No-Till Weed Management Study. | 03-HRC-cuc | 423 |
Zucchini No-Till Weed Management Study. | 03-HRC-zuc | 429 |
Pumpkin Winter Rye Weed Management Study. | 03-17-W50 | 435 |
Evaluation of Various WInter Rye Cultivars for Weed Control in No-Till Squash. | 03-HRC-nt-Squash | 443 |
Influence of Pigweed Management on Pumpkin Farm-Gate Revenues. | 03-HRC-pumpkins | 451 |
Pumpkin Weed Management Study. | 03-Freeburg-pum | 460 |
Index of Crops | 463 | |
Index of Weeds, Common Names | 464 | |
Index of Weeds, Five Letter Codes | 465 | |
Index of Herbicides | 466 | |
Index of Adjuvants | 469 | |
Index of Other Experimental Details | 471 | |
Index of Project Codes | 473 | |
Illinois Climate Network Monthly Summaries | 474 |
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